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Liv | Alice Barry

Date & Time: Saturday May 21st

Price: €15 tickets on door.

Love, Marraige, Death, Dating and Daring to try again. A new play written and performed by Alice Barry, Noggin Theatre Company, and directed by Jason Byrne. 

 “A deeply gripping, emotional work, powerful and playful.” Entertainment One, Toronto

An affecting account of one woman’s search for viability and the ultimate sacrifice necessary to salvage her shattered life. Liv brings you on an emotional rollercoaster ride through love, marriage, death, dating and daring to try again.

“Alice Barry delivered a fantastically crafted story that had us laughing, gasping, horrified and in the end empathetic to the character that took us on an emotional roller coaster.”
Maria Gillen, Storyteller in Residence at Kerry Writers Museum

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