a unique setting for unique acts

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POETS MEET POLITICS - A weekend of poetry readings and workshops Hosted by Hungry Hill Writers

September 2022

Saturday 10th 

10am – 12 noon Philip Gross poetry workshop €20

5pm  Poets meet Politics Poetry Competition Anthology Launch 

8pm  Readings by Philip Gross & Angela Gardner followed by Open Mic

We are delighted to welcome Philip Gross, judge of this year’s Poets meet Politics competition to the event. Philip is a winner of the TS Eliot prize among many other awards, and is Professor of Poetry at the University of S. Wales.

Renga led by Philip Gross-"Philip will introduce and lead a renga session, the gentlest way of poets weaving words together. No specialist knowledge needed, just a willingness to come with eyes and ears open, to relax and trust what this refreshing process gives us.”


Sunday 11th

11am-12.30 Angela Gardner poetry workshop €15

Fresh Perspectives led by Angela Gardner- "A workshop both for those who have experience in writing poems as well as for those who wish to give their imagination free rein to discover the surprises that will emerge. The workshop will guide participants to start a new poem. The emphasis will be on curiosity and fun using prompts to get fresh ideas flowing, then we'll get under the bonnet to tune up the engine and send the draft poem through the carwash."
Participants should bring notebook and pen

1pm Lunch at Dereen Gardens

2pm Dereen Gardens Café -Workshop on the dangers and delights of writing groups led by Anne O’Carroll

*Please call 353 851512652 to book workshops 

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