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Graduate Summer Show 2009

2009 Graduate Summer Show
Dates: August 1st to 15th 2009

An exhibition of seven graduates of 2009 from three art colleges from around Ireland.

The graduate artists included are from the following colleges:

Michelle O’Shea, (Fine Art, Sculpture) and Nedyalka Panova (Ceramics) from the Crawford college of Art, Cork. David Maher and Niall Dooley, (Fine Art, Painting) James O’hAodha, (Fine Art, Sculpture) and Kim Murphy (Ceramics) from NCAD, Dublin. Aoife O’Sullivan, (Fine Art, Sculpture) from IADT, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin.

Michelle O’Shea shows her degree work of a spectacular, terrifying-looking stack of old-fashioned delf balanced precariously rising 15 feet in the air, titled “Strength and Vulnerability”.

Nedyalka Panova will show her incredibly delicate and beautifully crafted bone china cups, some decorated with actual peacock feathers.

David Maher shows his work “The Importance of Being Redundant” organically evolving spuds in their handsome and finely stitched jackets, seriously funny!

Niall Dooley’s pencil drawings of hilarious and torturous human situations are particularly engaging.

James O’hAodha’s film “A Sign of the Times” looks at the humour in all our endeavours while at the same time is a touching description of the difficulties of completing a task you have set yourself and asks the question why we started in the first place.

Kim Murphy’s lithophanes are made of porcelain and fibreglass. She uses old photographs as snippets of information gleaned over years like Chinese whispers. They are beautifully made etched artwork in thin very translucent porcelain that can be seen when backlit with a light source.

Aoife O’Sullivan’s work “Comic Expression” is projected into a bath full of water and comes with a sound track, which will definitely have you in stitches!

Sarah Walker has made a series of wild-flower paintings specifically to hang in the main gallery with Michelle O’Shea’s installation.




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