The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is in force since the 25th May 2018, replacing the previous data protection framework under the EU Data Protection Directive.
We value your continued support and hope to keep you informed about future events at the gallery, but only on your terms. Although all our newsletter mail-outs come with the option to unsubscribe we would like to clearly explain how you became subscribed to our mailing list, how we use our mail-out system and how you can unsubscribe from this list if you wish to do so.
If you are curently on the gallery mailing list we have obtained your email address in one of the following ways:
You left your details in our sign-in book at the gallery so that you would be added to our mailing list
You entered your email address in the ‘Sign up’ window at the bottom of our home page on the gallery website.
We added your email address upon your request following communications with you in person, on the phone or by email.
We added your email address having consulted with your organisation as to the relevant member of staff whom might be interested in hearing about our events e.g. music press, visual arts press.
In some cases we may also have details such as your first name, surname, job title and the organisation you work for. When we have additional information about a subscriber we will try to tailor our mail-outs to their specialist interests where relevant. We do not share any of your personal data with any third parties.